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The Power and Authority That Comes From the Name

The Power and Authority That Comes From the Name

Believing in Jesus vs. believing in His name is key. The early church preached the Kingdom of God in His name, showing its power and authority. Faith in His name unlocks salvation and miracles. Learn to meditate on God’s Word and step into the works Jesus did.

Leading a Generation of Paradox

Leading a Generation of Paradox

Pastor Tim Elmore shares 5 strategies to guide today’s youth toward authentic adulthood. In a world flooded with information, how do we help them grow in true wisdom? Learn how taking risks, meeting mentors, traveling, and setting meaningful goals can shape their future.

In Jesus name, amen: Faithfully Owning our Authority in Christ

In Jesus name, amen: Faithfully Owning our Authority in Christ

This week’s Message explores the power and authority Jesus gave us as believers (Eph. 1:20-21). We’re called to be His hands and feet on earth, performing signs in His name (Mark 16:17-18). Join us as we learn to boldly walk in His authority. Read: John 14:12-14.

The Kingdom of God… and politics | Duane Vander Klok

The Kingdom of God… and politics | Duane Vander Klok

In “The Kingdom of God and Politics,” Pastor Duane Vander Klok aligns key political issues with biblical truth. He discusses life, Israel, and LGBTQ+ topics with a heart of correction, guided by scripture. This message isn’t about division but engaging with politics through a Kingdom lens, rooted in God’s Word.

Jesus in plain sight | Jared Blauwkamp

Jesus in plain sight | Jared Blauwkamp

What does it mean to truly know Jesus? Pastor Jared Blauwkamp dives into the power of a personal relationship with Christ, exploring John 3:16 in a fresh way. It’s not just about religion but experiencing Jesus deeply.

Accept the Armor Pt.1 | Rick Renner

Accept the Armor Pt.1 | Rick Renner

In this message from Pastor Rick Renner he shares how the Holy Spirit equips us for spiritual battles. We don’t have to earn or work for the armor of God—it’s freely given. As Ephesians 6:11 says, “Put on the full armor of God,” reminding us that God has already provided what we need, we just have to settle into our clothes and get comfortable!

Make It, Break It

Make It, Break It

Habits can shape much of our life. They can lead us into a healthy and prosperous existence or they can destroy us and ruin the God given trajectory of our life. Pastor David Martin encourages us to to think about our habits consciously, identify the habits that are bad, replace them with good habits and then with God become accountable to these new habits.

God Works Everything out For Your Good

God Works Everything out For Your Good

Our God is good! He works all things for the good of those who love Him. This sermon challenges us to stay Spirit-led and humble in every season. Trust Him to step into your circumstances, turning the good, bad, and ugly into His good. It may take time, but He will show up.

How To BE A Master Over Your Thoughts

How To BE A Master Over Your Thoughts

What you think about God, and what you think about yourself can destroy your life if left unchecked. The world would have us receive the light from culture and technology and Hollywood. But we have to grab hold of all the biblical truth we can and listen for God to speak to us about His identity and ours and partner the two together to move forward in life as healthy and whole individuals. God’s desire is SOZO, wholeness and it starts between your ears.

Attract and Distract

Attract and Distract

Satan wants to keep your from your destiny. The devil knows exactly what you are capable of and he is threatened and fears you discovering who it is that you were created and redeemed to be. Between distractions and getting you to pursue things that God hasn’t planned for your to run after, the enemy will try anything and everything to prevent you from walking in all that God has for your life.

Reversing The Devil’s Decisions

Reversing The Devil’s Decisions

We are aware that both God and the devil have plans for our lives. While God’s plan is good, the devil’s intentions are the opposite. Pastor Duane addresses the devil’s tactics, urging us not to give up, but to rise up and claim the victory we have through Jesus.

The People WHO Cross Over

The People WHO Cross Over

Are you facing a raging river in your life that looks impassible and you have lost hope that it will ever change? Pastor Ross Scheer reminds us that what God has done before He will do again. We are the people Who Cross Over.

When The Spirit Moves

When The Spirit Moves

Gods desire is to fill us to overflowing with the Holy Spirit. When we believe in Jesus Christ we are sealed by the Holy Spirit for our salvation, but that was not the end. There was a subsequent infilling and baptism in the Holy Spirit for power. It’s purpose was to give us the power to be a witness, perform miracles like Jesus did and to accomplish all that God has for our lives. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is critical to our mission on the earth.

Shaping America with biblical principles

Shaping America with biblical principles

The earliest settlers in America in large part made the bible and knowing the bible a non negotiable. The bible and God’s word was the foundation for so much of the foundation building of society. David Barton challenges to become learners and readers of the word to impact the world around us, including our school systems, government and many other arenas of society.



Our ResLife women’s panel offers uplifting and insightful discussions on the role of women in parenting and in their role to nurture and encourage others.

Don’t Get Devoured

Don’t Get Devoured

The ancient hatred of God’s people is real. In this message we are cautioned to stay alert and not be bound by the ways of the world. Our identity in Christ gives us the authority to intentionally stand up and not be derailed by the enemies’ plans.

Master Of The Storm

Master Of The Storm

Anxiety and depression have become a pandemic that plagues our culture. Find out how we can have peace that passes all understanding through any storm.

His Power, Your Authority

His Power, Your Authority

Take back the ground the enemy has stolen from you. We can crush the devils trespasses as we walk in authority with Jesus in our life.

You’re Not The Biggest Loser

You’re Not The Biggest Loser

On the cross Jesus paid for everything we need. Jesus died not only for our eternal salvation but to bring the reality of “…on earth as it is in heaven.”

His Death Your Deliverance

His Death Your Deliverance

Jesus came to deliver us from the tragic fallout of sin and separation from the Father. From before the world began we were the beloved that God set His eyes on and prepared to restore. By receiving Christ we have been forgiven and made righteous.

Your Father Is Rich

Your Father Is Rich

In this message we are challenged to align our thoughts and beliefs concerning prosperity with God’s plan to see maximum Kingdom reach in the world today.

Delivered Indefinitely

Delivered Indefinitely

Christianity is about getting the kingdom of heaven in us. Learn how Jesus blood paid the price for us to be in right relationship with God.

We Have The Name

We Have The Name

As followers of Jesus, we are not conformed to the culture of this world. Through the Bible we have God’s thoughts that transform and bring truth to the way that we think.