Plan Your Visit

We’re so excited that you are planning to visit!

Join Us

For Service

Main Services

Join us for an inspiring worship experience and a powerful message to start your week with God’s guidance and blessings.
Join us for a motivating midweek worship service and an impactful message to recharge your week with divine guidance and blessings.
During Sunday service, your child in the Nursery Office Suite enjoys songs, lessons with puppets, coloring, and age-appropriate activities, as we believe even infants are blessed through singing, teaching, and play.
During Sunday services, middle schoolers (6th-8th Grade) and high schoolers (6th-12th Grade) meet for an engaging, interactive service. On Wednesday nights, all of our Students (6th-12th Grade) come together for a fun, encouraging service in the Ground Floor.

Access is ResLife Church’s young adult ministry (ages 18-29), dedicated to equipping and mobilizing individuals in Identity, Scripture, Evangelism, and Community.

Únase a nosotros para un motivador servicio de adoración a mitad de semana y un mensaje impactante para recargar su semana con la guía y las bendiciones divinas.

Our Location

Sunday AM Services: The closest entrance to the Worship Center from 52nd St is Parking Lot K and Entrance K.

Sunday PM Services: For the evening service in the “Ground Floor,” the nearest entrances from Ivanrest Ave are Parking Lots C or J, using Entrances C or J.

A Church For

You and Your Family

A Church For You and Your Family

There’s a place for you at ResLife and we would love to help you find it.


We teach the Word of God in practical, relevant, teaching styles to impact lives around the world. We are known as a source for solid Biblical teaching that is easy to understand and practical for daily living. Listen in on a service.


Simply put, worship is pleasing God. It’s what we were born to do. We worship God both through our lives and when we come together each week. One way we do that is through music. With the power to affect young and old, music helps turn hearts toward God.


We’re partnering with families in training up the next generation. From six weeks old to college-age students, we have a place for every age to find a personal connection with God and grow in that relationship.


Through community and world missions, we provide opportunities for the love of Christ to be shared all over the world through prayer and resources.

ResLife FAQ’s


Is Children’s ministry available?

We are grateful to witness what God is doing in the hearts of even our youngest attendees. We love spending time with God’s precious families! Children’s ministry is available for Sunday and Wednesday services.


What should I wear?

We can’t wait to welcome you here. Come as you are, we’re pretty casual. God is more concerned with the condition of our hearts than what we’re wearing to church. We want you to know that God loves you and has a plan and purpose for your life.


How do I get more connected to ResLife?

Visit our Next Steps area for a cup of coffee, and information about resources, classes, or events you may be interested in.


Is ASL interpretation available?

We have an ASL volunteer who desires to serve our hearing impaired community at our 11 AM main service. Please email us here.

Meet Our Leaders before you come!

We would love to see you on sunday!